
The noise and fury

In ancient Greece there was a term, parresia, which implied freedom of speech and the obligation to speak truthfully, for the benefit of the common good and even at the risk of one's own life. This...

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Professional stirrers

Exactly one hundred years ago, in 1924, Joseph Goebbles joined the German Nazi party and began to implement effective and sophisticated propaganda for the purpose of bringing Adolf Hitler to power....

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Forgotten refuges

I'm barely turning 40, but my generation still had the opportunity to play in the streets. I grew up on a cul-de-sac street, where the mussels were epic. In the neighborhood there were about ten...

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Disposable and Inheritable Clothing

It is increasingly common for us, as final consumers, to disconnect ourselves from the production of the goods we use on a daily basis. In general, there is little awareness in our society about how...

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The Cross of Crucitas

This week concluded the international litigation between Infinito Gold and Costa Rica around the Crucitas mine. This means that Costa Rica will no longer have to pay Infinito Gold $400 million in...

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Brain and language

Language could be defined as the ability of human beings to communicate and think. It is a daily function that we apply without much effort, without stopping to analyze how the brain works and what...

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A poisoned apple

We are all familiar with Snow White's poisoned apple and usually interpret that tale as a story for children. However, contemporary adult life is not too far from episodes like this one. And no,...

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May is synonymous with bumblebees. Or it was about four decades ago, when they would suddenly appear flying with the first rains of the year, hitting windows, light bulbs and walls, pets,...

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Superheroes or martyrs?

September of this year will mark another anniversary of the famous photograph of the superheroes of the heights. I'm not referring to The Justice League, but to the eleven workers in the iconic...

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