Dialogue for the future of Crucitas

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We have had to live in a historical moment in which dialogue has taken a back seat. Arrogance, pomposity and intolerance prevail. It is for this reason that, at Futuris Consulting, and with the sponsorship of the National Academy of Sciences (ANC), we took on the task of organizing an event around the complex issue of mining in Crucitas, in the north of Costa Rica.

The event, entitled “Dialogue tables: the future of Crucitas“, took place on September 21, 2024, at the ANC facilities, with the participation of expert panelists in natural and social sciences, both Costa Rican and foreign. The conversation, which lasted more than five hours, was skillfully moderated by the communicator Jurgen Ureña, who led three dialogue tables on key issues for Crucitas, from the environmental, social and legal perspectives.

From the event, multiple downloadable materials were generated that could be used by decision-makers, parlament members, competent authorities, social actors involved and civil society. The videos represent a record, without editing, of the dialogues that took place at each table. The starting point was to talk, equally and from scientific information, about three possible future scenarios for Crucitas: to continue as we are, that is, with the prohibition of mining; opt for industrial mining; or prefer artisanal mining.

Learnings about the process

This has been an experience in which experts sit down to dialogue on a very polarized issue, trying to assume an objective position, avoiding extreme ones. It is a reality that in Costa Rica we have preferred to disregard the mining issue, as has also happened with gas and oil, instead of sitting down to talk.

The criteria for selecting the panelists were accurate: academic excellence, experience in mining in tropical environments, active listening and respect for others. It was key to have a point of view from people who live outside of Costa Rica and that they helped to dimension or contrast our situation with that of other countries. In addition, having a space like the ANC, which privileges knowledge over opinions, was key for people to talk comfortably.

The initial reaction of the members of parlament and advisors who participated in the event was very positive, as they stated that this is an ideal content to analyze proposals in relation to the problem of Cruitas.

Some key ideas

Among the points raised at the dialogue tables, I highlight those that I think are important to address in the short term. It is essential that the State begins to act, as it could be mired in an international lawsuit due to its inaction and apathy in the face of the environmental and social damage that exists in Crucitas. In addition, the measures taken should not only be those that leave a greater amount of dollars, but those that solve the problem in the long term.

Most participants agree that, in the near future, some type of mining will have to be authorized, either industrial or a mixture of industrial and artisanal mining. In either of these two scenarios, profound modifications would have to be made to our legislation and give more solidity and technical preparation to the institutions that will be in charge of overseeing these activities. In addition, it will be necessary to assess the site, characterize and remediate the contamination and maintain close and genuine contact with the communities.

There are many considerations to take into account in the development of an approach plan. The dialogue tables were a first step to dimension this plurality. The government must assume its responsibility in this situation and form a group of experts to advise and establish an action plan. Parlament members cannot act in isolation. A structure, a commitment and a vision are necessary.  Otherwise, the future will be sad, not only for Crucitas but also for our country.