
Crocodile tears

On October 10, during his most recent press conference, our president, Rodrigo Chaves, revealed a predictable gastronomic secret: he has eaten lizard and crocodile meat. Obviously, he clarified, that he did not do it in Costa Rica because it is forbidden. He comments...

Professional stirrers

Exactly one hundred years ago, in 1924, Joseph Goebbles joined the German Nazi party and began to implement effective and sophisticated propaganda for the purpose of bringing Adolf Hitler to power. Goebbles used every means of communication at his disposal, including...

Forgotten refuges

I’m barely turning 40, but my generation still had the opportunity to play in the streets. I grew up on a cul-de-sac street, where the mussels were epic. In the neighborhood there were about ten very enthusiastic friends and we weren’t too bad at soccer....

Dialogue for the future of Crucitas

We have had to live in a historical moment in which dialogue has taken a back seat. Arrogance, pomposity and intolerance prevail. It is for this reason that, at Futuris Consulting, and with the sponsorship of the National Academy of Sciences (ANC), we took on the task...

Nostalgia, territories and forgetting

In 2009, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake destroyed more than 90% of the infrastructure of the town of Cinchona, in Alajuela. The government then created a commission that led a project to resettle the community, which consisted of just over ninety families, to a site...

Disposable and Inheritable Clothing

It is increasingly common for us, as final consumers, to disconnect ourselves from the production of the goods we use on a daily basis. In general, there is little awareness in our society about how the organization and characteristics of production chains directly...