
A poisoned apple

We are all familiar with Snow White's poisoned apple and usually interpret that tale as a story for children. However, contemporary adult life is not too far from episodes like this one. And no,...

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May is synonymous with bumblebees. Or it was about four decades ago, when they would suddenly appear flying with the first rains of the year, hitting windows, light bulbs and walls, pets,...

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Superheroes or martyrs?

September of this year will mark another anniversary of the famous photograph of the superheroes of the heights. I'm not referring to The Justice League, but to the eleven workers in the iconic...

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Boeing: nosedive

Last May 9, at Dakar International Airport in Senegal, 10 people were injured after a plane skidded off the runway as it was about to take off. Just four days earlier, at Kinshasa N'djili...

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Change of course and public cost

By Emma Tristan & German Lleras José Rafael has always lived in Alajuelita. In his happiest memory he is on the lap of his grandfather, who drives one of the buses that were brought in the 60's....

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Jurassic fashion

David Bowie, music and fashion icon, said it in the early 1980s in his piece Fashion: fashion plays with us. It makes us turn left, then right. It asks us to listen to it and then not anymore. It...

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Cloudy water

In March 2022, citizens of the cantons of Moravia and Goicoechea reported that the water in their homes smelled like fuel. However, Roberto Zoch, mayor of Moravia, indicated that the Costa Rican...

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Working alone

Pedro needs to work. He has been out of work for several months and his family depends on him. María offers him an opportunity to receive income and Pedro must work for clients that she will send...

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Magic trees

For this article, I borrowed from photographer Giancarlo Pucci the title of his beautiful book and the foundation he formed, following the trail of his passion for trees. Giancarlo spoke with...

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