For a few more dollars
On July 18th, published at least three news related to the environment. It was not news that allows us to brag, as we did in October 2021, when we received the Earthshot Prize awarded by...
An Everest mount in Costa Rica: the most dangerous country to work in?
On May 3 of this year, while I was looking for information on work accidents, between one link and another, I entered the German portal "Statista" which, coincidentally, had just published an...
During the last decades, Costa Ricans have lived, or perhaps we should say that we have suffered, a kind of green fantasy that is based on our image as a conservationist country and committed to...
Sweep the hidden dirt
The leader of the newspaper La Nación of June 11, states that, in the face of the implementation of the European Green Deal, Costa Rica's agroindustrial producers will have to make some adjustments....
David versus Goliat
On September 23, 2022, Roger Federer's tennis career came to an end. On that day, Federer said goodbye to the sports world in a double match with his greatest rival: Rafael Nadal. Federer and Nadal...
The domino effect
In a world that is increasingly interconnected and affected by climate change and habitat loss, it is more crucial than ever to talk about biodiversity: the living fabric of our planet and the sum...
Artificial Imagination
In 1956 John McCarthy first used the term "Artificial Intelligence" (AI), referring to the skill of making intelligent machines. Over the years and technological advances have allowed data analysis...
Marzipan and pumice
Yesterday our trip to Guatemala ended. It is difficult to summarise the experiences produced by the trip in a few lines, so I will do it through a childhood memory. When we were little, Nana, my...
Who responds
On March 2, the government of Costa Rica signed a decree declaring a state of emergency in several communities bordering Nicaragua, due to mercury contamination in the water they use daily to...
Unwilling knowledge
On 6 February 2023, a 7.8-degree earthquake was recorded with an epicenter in the city of Gaziantep in southern Turkey, very close to the Syrian border. The telluric movement had a depth of barely...
The elephants´ journey
It all begins with an indecipherable journey. An enigma that unfolded over a year and a half, covered a route of more than 500 kilometers and kept scientists and specialists from all over the world...
Fairer trade
Have you ever thought about the distance that shirt that Santa brought you has traveled to reach your closet? If the label indicates that it was manufactured in China, that does not mean that the...