Let’s save the colours of the sea
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was talk of the great respite that was benefiting the planet with the mandatory quarantine. All over the world there were animal sightings in places...
Animal distancing
The pangolin is one of the most trafficked mammals in the world. They are highly valued for food consumption and their scales are used to produce home remedies that promise to be the panacea that...
Angels and demons
Let's imagine that one fine day, because of a tiny, invisible and insatiable bug, everything we know is transformed: toilet paper runs out in supermarkets, shops and schools close and jobs...
The right to repair
After years of being cought up in a frenetic lifestyle, the coronavirus has forced us to stop. Today there is more time to read, reflect and discover. We see how the reduction in the number and...
Survival manual of the Central American environmentalist
Central American environmentalists or environmental activists are an endangered species. According to the NGO Global Witness, a total of 164 environmentalists were killed worldwide in 2018. This...
Our smelly truth
The 17th-century French scientist and writer Blaise Pascal once said that one of the main diseases of men is its restless curiosity to know that they cannot know. Despite this phrase describes...
Electrical dilemma
It is no secret that fossil fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, contribute to growing global warming. With the purpose of reducing this problem, in Costa Rica a law was passed that, among other...
Anticipate or go bankrupt
Esteban, a businessman that is used to manage popular bars, has just bought his first gas station. It is a very old gas station, which has been in the same place for several decades, even before...
Our irreplaceable coffee
There is nothing more difficult for an environmentalist than communicating the problems related to the development of a product that has acquired the connotation of irreplaceable and even necessary...
Copernicus’ Deception
Imagine for a moment that we know absolutely nothing of the Universe and we see how the Sun, the Moon and the stars move in the sky. I am sure many of us would come to the conclusion that these...
Taking care of the environment with care
A good day, as usual, Fabio entered Facebook to get the latest news. After swiping his finger for a while on the screen, he saw a story that a friend had shared and titled: Gold Mine impacts our...
How to be a geologist and not die in the process?
Remember the movie of the nineties about JFK? Kevin Costner played Jim Garrison, the famous lawyer who initiated the case to determine who had killed President Kennedy. His eloquence, elegance, and...